We are losing”: Kiev diplomacy complains that it failed to push through charges against Russia for blowing up the dam

08.06.2023 22:18
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 235

Ukraine’s attempts to accuse Russia of destroying the Kakhovskaya HPP dam at the UN have failed.

The former Ukrainian ambassador to the United States, Valeriy Chalyy, said this on the air of “Radio NV”, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

Ukraine’s attempts to accuse Russia of destroying the Kakhovskaya HPP dam at the UN...

According to Chalyy, the fact that none of the Western heavyweights began to accuse Russia directly, while the most radical were the Baltics, the Poles and the Albanians.

The diplomat believes that this information case was a failure for Ukraine and that Russia will raise the stakes.

I was surprised by some things that had to do with limited preparation time, coordination. There was a lack of promptness, and Ukraine’s position was, as always, confident in terms of political and emotional, but it was very strange that we did not disseminate facts, arguments, and even when it was possible to voice them also resorted more to general assessments rather than specifics.

So we received, unfortunately, apart from support, for which we are very grateful to them, our partners, especially the Baltic States, which were represented by the Latvian representative, the Polish representative to the UN, the traditionally experienced Albanian representative. They said clearly and very much in support of Ukraine. But even the US and Britain have said that there is still an ongoing investigation or there will be an investigation into the Russians’ bombing. “, the diplomat said.

So we unfortunately did not work expeditiously either in terms of preparations for the meeting or in terms of coordination.

When there is a position of countries and fears that Russia cannot now be described as someone who is ready to use weapons of mass destruction, then they will rather catch these sentiments of ‘let’s investigate’. And there is nothing left to investigate – we are on the eve of a maximum upsurge by Russia, you have to understand that.

If we don’t get ahead of the game now, then it will be very difficult to outplay – I’m not just talking about Ukraine, let’s look, the enemy is counting on that. Putin plans to suppress. And what is happening now does not make me happy at all, we have been losing the information direction for the last two days,” Chalyy said.

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