From where, how many and which drones attacked Moscow?

30.05.2023 21:07
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 251

Eight drones were involved in this morning’s attack on Moscow and all of them were hit.

The Russian Defence Ministry said this, according to a PolitNavigator correspondent.

Eight drones were involved in this morning’s attack on Moscow and all of them...

Three of them were suppressed by electronic warfare, lost control and deviated from their intended targets. Another five drones were shot down by the anti-aircraft gun and missile system Pantsir-S in the Moscow Region,” the agency said.

At the same time, experts argue about the type of drones the place of their launch and their number.

For instance, the Zvezda TV channel reported about three dozen drones. Alexei Rogozin, head of the Centre for Transport Technology Development, wrote in his blog that Ukraine used previously unknown UAVs, which are not amenable to the effects of EW – complexes

Previously unknown aircraft-type drones with a ‘duck’ aerodynamic scheme – the same ones used in the attack on Krasnodar on 26 May – have been used to attack Moscow. They are powered by a combustion engine, have a wingspan of at least 4 metres and a theoretical range of 400 to 1,000 km. The cost can be estimated at $30-200 thousand for each vehicle.

Radio-electronic suppressors of drones are generally useless for these devices, the only way to effectively counteract them is to shoot them down,” said Rogozin.

At the same time, Mikhail Zvinchuk, author of the telegram channel Rybar and a military analyst, reports that the type of drone is known, as are the places where they were launched.

The UJ-22 UAVs were used in the raid on Moscow. Similar drones have already reached Moscow’s suburbs. There are about 500 UAVs of this model in the Armed Forces…

The UAVs were launched from border areas in the Chernigov, Sumy or Kharkov regions. This once again raises questions about the justifiability of withdrawing troops from Chernihiv and Sumy regions a year ago and leaving a buffer zone north of Kharkоv in the autumn. And it also raises questions about reconnaissance activities in the border regions, as well as enemy activity in these areas,” Rybar notes.

He calls for strikes on UAV assembly and armament factories, the coordinates of which are known.

The factories for assembling drones and equipping them with explosives are in known locations – in the same “Kommunar” in Kharkov, in the workshops in Krivoy Rog, in the factory premises in Zaporozhye. The coordinates have been relayed more than once, but they are hit very selectively. They need photos and video evidence from inside the workshops where it will be written in huge red letters “this UAV will fly to the Kremlin”. And even then there will be doubts,” Zvinchuk stresses.

The well-known Russian political analyst Sergei Markov argues in his blog that the UAVs were launched directly from Russian territory.

25 drones were involved in the attack on Moscow. They flew from some place in the Moscow suburbs. Some call it the Benelux settlement. The terrorists’ technology seems to be as follows.Parts of the drones are brought into some warehouse in a closed area under the guise of business. There are hundreds of such warehouses in the suburbs of Moscow. There, drones are assembled from them by terrorists. And they are launched at targets. Support of these terrorist strikes, targeting is carried out by the US army satellite constellation. The direct perpetrators of the terrorist attacks are agents of the Ukrainian special services,” Markov is persuaded.

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