Ukrainian General Krivonos: The Russians have prepared a surprise for the Armed Forces of Ukraine offensive

04.04.2023 14:30
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 1296

The Russians have prepared reserve troops that will be used in case of an attempted offensive of the Ukrainian army.

This was noticed in an interview of the channel «Diaspora UA» by the former Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of Ukraine, General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sergey Krivonos, the correspondent of «PolitNavigator» reports.

The Russians have prepared reserve troops that will be used in case of an...

It’s a mistake that we underestimate the enemy and lie to ourselves and our own people. Because the Russians learn fast enough and draw conclusions from the mistakes they have made and the mistakes we have made. The fact that they have repeatedly changed the tactics of using their units at the tactical level during the year of the war shows that they are making the right conclusions,” Krivonos admitted.

According to him, the Ukrainian offensive is under threat.

The Russians quite confidently mobilized the number of people they need in autumn. They threw some of these people to the front with minimal training, some were passed through long training sessions and left in reserves. It is a huge problem for us, because we understand that they have reserves that they can use at any moment against us in the case of our offensive. They have a maneuver that can threat to our offensive,” the general explained.

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