Kedmi said that Odessa and Kiev should be returned by decree, not by referendum

19.04.2023 10:47
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 217

Russia does not need to hold referendums on the annexation of territories that were previously part of it.

This was stated in an interview with Israeli journalist Alexander Waldman by the ex-head of the Nativ special service, military expert Yakov Kedmi, the correspondent of PolitNavigator reports.

Russia does not need to hold referendums on the annexation of territories that were...

According to Kedmi, the games of democracy do not lead to anything, in the West they do not believe in it and do not recognize it.

I’m not a big supporter of referendums, and I don’t think it was the right way. Although, Russia believes. Russia wants to play the games of visible democracy – let it play, there is no sense in it. Russia and the population of Crimea did not need it: the West did not believe it, so the annexation of these regions had to be another way. Maybe less democratic, but democracy has already become a completely empty sound that no one believes in and everyone interprets in their own way,” Kedmi concluded.

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