“Very strange hits” – U.S. “leaks” Ukrainian positions to Russia  

12.06.2023 22:21
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 232

It is possible that the U.S. in its interests for the sake of prolonging communication with Russia are peddling coordinates of Ukrainian military infrastructure facilities.

This was stated on the channel “Wild Live” Ukrainian political analyst Ruslan Bortnik, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

It is possible that the U.S. in its interests for the sake of prolonging...

Talked with the guys close to the Republican Party, they say that Sullivan, the national security adviser, Burns, the head of the CIA – they are actively cooperating with Moscow. That is, they are in contact all the time, exchanging information.

It’s possible that we had serious problems when the ‘leak’ was happening, and the Russians knew about some military situations in Ukraine through people close to them in the United States,” said journalist Vitaly Dikiy.

“Our military says that very strange hits on some objects were observed for the last month or two in Ukraine, which the Russian side should not have known. I mean both on the control and on the depots,” Bortnik agreed.

However, he expressed the opinion that the word “leak” is too loud, nevertheless acknowledged that the U.S. is trading with Russia for Ukrainian interests.

It doesn’t work that way there. Someone can prompt, someone can balance the powers of the parties so that too the parties don’t get stronger. Yes, the Americans maintain high contacts with Russian counterparts because they are thus trying to bind Russia. Trying to keep their finger on the pulse and trying to maintain their ability to project, predict Russia’s future actions,” he reasoned.

And we’re talking today about a country that has almost 1,700 warheads deployed alone. And they maintain communications in order to monitor, connect and understand what’s going on inside Russia. And – yes, they can pay for this communication, yes, they can pay for Ukrainian interests as well. This should also be understood,” the political scientist concluded.

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