Ukrainian general predicts two more years of war, even with a positive scenario for Kiev

15.05.2023 18:43
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 149

The war in Ukraine will continue for a long time even under the most positive scenario for Kiev.

General Sergei Krivonos said this in a live broadcast, reports the correspondent of PolitNavigator.

The war in Ukraine will continue for a long time even under the most...

In his opinion, even reaching the borders of 91 will not mean the end of the confrontation.

If the aid is not suspended or if the lend-lease starts working, then with the most positive developments the war will last another year and a half or two years.

The positive outcome will be if we are given all the aid we need and we can train the men accordingly to continue the offensive strategy,” the general said.

It must be clearly understood that the liberation of Ukrainian territories will not mean the end of the war. As long as there are defense-industrial complex enterprises operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, which provide an opportunity for their armed forces to fill our territory with artillery shells, aerial bombs, aerial missiles, “Shaheds”, then the war will continue.

Therefore, our task, while liberating these territories, is to conduct parallel strikes on the facilities of the defense-industrial complex of the Russian Federation to such an extent that they cannot send the necessary things to the front,” Krivonos said.

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