The veteran of special forces said that Putin left no doubt about the return of Kherson

19.04.2023 10:57
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 160

Putin, arriving in the zone of a Special Military Operation, made it clear that the new territories have become full–fledged subjects of Russia, and the liberation of the regional centers – Kherson and Zaporozhye – is only a matter of time.

This was stated to the “PolitNavigator” by a member of the presidium of the organization “Officers of Russia”, a veteran of special units Timur Syrtlanov.

Putin, arriving in the zone of a Special Military Operation, made it clear that...

Vladimir Putin’s visit, first of all, determined some positions: first, Putin showed that the new territories of the Russian Federation are full–fledged subjects of Russia and the liberation of the Russians of Kherson and Zaporozhye is only a matter of time. Secondly, the President of Russia himself knows when to visit the regions of the Russian Federation.

Putin has shown that he personally controls the course of a Special Military Operation, communicates directly with the military leaders of the Ministry of Defense and Rosgvardiya, even in the field. With his visit, our president raised the spirits of the troops performing combat missions, and also supported the citizens of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, showing that they are full–fledged citizens of a great country,” he said.

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