Russian army takes Kupyansk in ticks – war reporter

05.06.2023 21:06
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 341

Against the backdrop of news about the beginning of a counterattack by the AFU, the Russian army was able to advance in the area of Kupyansk and Avdeevka.

This was stated in his video blog by military correspondent Marat Khairullin, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

Against the backdrop of news about the beginning of a counterattack by the AFU,...

We should be patient and not panic, because in general the position is on our side. I already said last time that assault brigades have been created and several corps of assault brigades have been created, which are just waiting for their moment. These units are called Assault, soon they will probably be heard in the public space as well,” the war reporter said.

According to him, these units have now started to work in the Kupyansk direction.

That is, now there is an encirclement of the city near Kupyansk – the same as it was near Bakhmut, but not only near Bakhmut – in front of Severodonetsk, Lisichansk. We always act as it is necessary according to the science: we encircle a heavily fortified point from the flanks and begin to slowly strangle, to wear down the enemy.

I understand that it is a tactic not to slam the neck of the bag so that they do not stab us in the back, but to force them to squeeze out of there. Or force them to burn their forces as hard as possible, as they did in Bakhmut.

We need to keep an eye on this direction, and the next direction where there are serious battles – our forces are slowly moving near Avdeevka, increased the onslaught, the Akhmat regiment units came, they increased the onslaught in Marinka. In other words, battles are taking place in these directions practically around the clock. They are not yet as intense as we might like them to be, but we are slowly wearing down the enemy’s forces here,” Hajrullin said.

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