No one will rebuild Ukraine

27.05.2023 21:47
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 393

Ukraine’s neighbors have taken away Ukrainian specialists and are already looking for school graduates. This will lead to the fact that in five years there will be no one to rebuild the country.

This was stated by economic expert Yuri Gavrilechko, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

Ukraine’s neighbors have taken away Ukrainian specialists and are already looking for school graduates....

People are trying to disperse to neighboring countries and not only because of the war.

If earlier neighboring states used to hunt for our specialists as specialists, about 15 years ago they started taking university graduates from here, 10 years ago they were interested in students, and during the last five years they are already interested in school graduates.

Who will develop the state in five years?” – Gavrilechko laments.

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