Krivonos said that the losses of the Ukrainian army are due to the lack of training

20.04.2023 14:02
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 159

The Ukrainian army lacks professional training, which confirms the number of casualties during the fighting.

This was stated by the ex-deputy commander of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine, General Sergei Krivonos, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

The Ukrainian army lacks professional training, which confirms the number of casualties during the...

We lack the professionalism of the training of our army, which needs to be increased first of all. Then we can raise the issue of an active offensive,” the general said.
He also complained about the treatment of Western equipment arriving in Ukraine.

In this war, we have quite a lot of examples when equipment is used for other purposes,” Krivonos said.

Earlier he said that the Ukrainian government, seeking to extinguish the indignation of citizens, does not want to make separate military cemeteries, but prefers to bury soldiers in dispersed places.

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