Kiev asks USA not to ruin Ukrainians in offensive

13.05.2023 17:36
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 205

Washington should not provoke Moscow and throw the forcibly mobilized Ukrainians into a senseless large-scale offensive.

Ukrainian political analyst Vadim Karasev said this in a live broadcast, reports the correspondent of PolitNavigator.

Washington should not provoke Moscow and throw the forcibly mobilized Ukrainians into a senseless...

The Americans believe that now it is better not to provoke the Third World War and not to provoke Putin,” said the political scientist.

Karasyov noted that freezing the conflict in its current state would be beneficial for both Kiev and the West.

Losing territory is not a tragedy, the tragedy is to lose the country. We were much weaker than Russia in 2014. The West was not as involved, at least militarily and technically,” he added.

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