Danilov said that the surrender of Bakhmut threatens to retreat to the western borders

26.04.2023 16:04
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 164

Bakhmut is an important strategic city for Ukraine, the retreat from which will lead to the collapse of the front.

This was stated by the Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine Alexey Danilov, answering the question whether Ukrainian troops can leave the city, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.


This is an important strategic point for us. If we retreat, we can reach our western borders very quickly,” the official said.

According to him, at the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-chief under the leadership of President Vladimir Zelensky, there are questions about Bakhmut every time.

The military reports that this section of the front must be kept, so that the remaining part of the front does not fall down,” Danilov summed up.

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