Ukrainian trace can be seen in a number of emergencies. The situation in the world is not in our favour

08.06.2023 22:14
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 225

The terrorist attacks on Northern streams, the attack on the “Crimean bridge”, the destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant, the bombing of the ammonia pipeline – all these are incidents in which a trace of Ukraine can be seen, and which can have serious consequences.

The former adviser to former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, economist and political scientist Oleg Soskin stated this in the air of his video blog, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

The terrorist attacks on Northern streams, the attack on the “Crimean bridge”, the destruction...

More and more information is appearing that Ukraine is suspected of having been involved in the destruction of the Nord Streams. If we compare the situation with Nord Stream, undermining of the “Crimean bridge”, drones in Moscow, hitting the Kremlin and houses, and take the situation with Kakhovskaya hydroelectric station, then everything does not look so good for Ukraine.

They will find it out anyway, they are already looking at space photographs, studying these details second by second: how, what happened, the time frame, the nature of the explosion. It will not be possible to hide it, its nature will have to be revealed sooner or later,” the expert said.

If it turns out that Russia was not suddenly involved in it, then, you know, what conclusions should be drawn next. So far we will not make any predictions, we will wait. But, at the same time, we will not take for granted what the authorities tell us either, because we know that the authorities in Ukraine are very deceitful and Zelensky does not keep his promises.

The ammonia pipeline has been blown up again, Russia says it was blown up by a Ukrainian DRG, Ukraine is silent. But the fact is that there could be a disaster over Kharkоv oblast, a huge cloud of ammonia will rise, the liquid will turn into steam and cover the whole of Kharkоv, then there will be another disaster,” Soskin said.

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