Lukashenko: Russia does not introduce, but returns nuclear weapons to Belarus

01.04.2023 15:48
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 1305

The decision to place tactical nuclear weapons was accepted after the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko intensified negotiations with Russia on its “return”.

Lukashenko said this today, reading out a message to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

The decision to place tactical nuclear weapons was accepted after the President of Belarus...

“It goes about the return of nuclear weapons that were withdrawn in the 1990s under guarantees – no sanctions against those who withdrew, no pressure, no planning of an offensive and no revolutions. Everything has been crushed and broken. I have the right to raise the issue of returning nuclear weapons,” Lukashenko said.

He said that in the 90s he found himself under pressure not only from the West, but also from Russia, and was suspended the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from Belarus.

“I’m not trying to intimidate or blackmail anyone. I want to secure the Belarusian state and ensure peace for the Belarusian people. He deserved it,” Lukashenko said.

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