Kholmogorov noted that Putin came much closer to the front than Stalin

20.04.2023 15:05
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 192

By his visit to the Special Military Operation zone, Vladimir Putin made it clear that at the moment, repelling the Ukrainian offensive is Moscow’s primary task.

This was stated by publicist Egor Kholmogorov, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

By his visit to the Special Military Operation zone, Vladimir Putin made it clear...

Now it is absolutely obvious that the West and Ukraine have invested everything in this offensive, and it is important for our army to repel this offensive and defeat the enemy. Last year, some were outraged that Putin did not come to the front. Here he came to the contact line. Everything is made clear, he is already much closer to the front line than Stalin,” Kholmogorov said.

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