A Crimean Tatar businessman told about the robbery of the Mejlis in Kherson Oblast

27.04.2023 20:01
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 200

The militants of the extremist organizations “Azov” and “Aidar”, led by Lenur Islyamov, a Mejlis member who fled to Ukraine, ravaged the farms of the Geninsky district – they cut out the breeding sheep, stole equipment and equipment.

The director of the company “Agroholding Soyuz” Seytumer Nimetullaev (in 2014, he did not support the coup in Kiev, after which he was forced to leave the Kherson region to the Crimea), reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

The militants of the extremist organizations “Azov” and “Aidar”, led by Lenur Islyamov, a...

From 2014 to 2022, the farm in which I worked was completely destroyed, confiscated, destroyed. It was done by the Nazis and the Mejlis. Everything was done under the leadership of Lenur Islyamov and his assistants.

They just did it out of spite, the Security Service of Ukraine checked all my friends, they summoned me, threatened me, didn’t let me work. They thought that I was an enemy of Ukraine.

I was never an enemy of Ukraine – I was an enemy of the Nazis and those who made the coup in Ukraine. And today I fight against them.”

He noted that in Russia today a lot of attention is paid to agriculture.

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