Russian troops are preparing to enter the operational space – Krivonos

13.04.2023 14:18
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 148

It is a mistake to say that Russia is running out of shells and cannot go on the offensive.

This was noticed on the air of the TV channel “Direct” by the former deputy head of the Security Council of Ukraine, ex-deputy commander of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine, General Sergei Krivonos, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

It is a mistake to say that Russia is running out of shells and...

On reducing the number of artillery shells. This does not mean that they have run out of them. Maybe they are accumulating artillery shells in order to then use them in certain areas or destroy our platoon and company strongpoints and launch an offensive.

Therefore, there is no need to relax ahead of time – in any case, even with the weakening of the Russian artillery fire influence, they are still superior,” the general said.

According to him, so far there are three Russian shells for one Ukrainian shell.

Therefore, we look at the situation soberly and understand that there is a certain decrease in certain areas, but this does not relieve the general tension and the Russians have not yet launched an offensive.

They are still conducting offensive battles of local significance, they are probing our defenses, trying to find our weak points so that after regrouping personnel and equipment, they can enter the operational space of the Ukrainian rear,” Krivonos said.

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