Following the lead of the Russians”: AFU colonel dissatisfied with offensive. Ukrainian forces are moving too slowly in the current offensive.

15.06.2023 22:14
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 419

This was stated by the former commander of the airmobile troops of Ukraine, Colonel Ivan Yakubets, in the air of the Kiev radio “NV”, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

According to him, “it’s hard to call an offensive” an advance of 100 to 300 metres. At the same time he considers a kilometre and a half advance to be “a certain success”.

This was stated by the former commander of the airmobile troops of Ukraine, Colonel...

If we continue attacking at such a pace, thus following the lead of the Russian Federation, we will be very unhappy. There is a simple law of physics at work here. Distance equals speed multiplied by time. As much as we don’t want to, this formula also works in war. If we want to move deeper into enemy defences, we need to add speed. Or reduce the speed, but add time,” Yakubets said.

He added that the longer the advancement time, the higher the casualties will be.

Our politico-military leadership needs to think very carefully, weigh the pros and cons, have courage and take decisive steps,” the colonel believes.

He believes that Russia was “forcing us to conduct such offensives”.

In such a tandem, we will be liberating our territories for decades,” Yakubets laments.

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