Bandera ideology has been introduced in Ukraine for mandatory certification of junior high school students

11.04.2023 11:46
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 194

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a bill on mandatory certification of students of grades 11, 9 and 4 in subjects that allow imposing Bandera ideology and hatred of Russia.

The corresponding decision was made during the plenary session of the Ukrainian parliament, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a bill on mandatory certification of students of...

The document was presented by the deputy from Golos Natalia Pipa. She explained that now Ukrainian schoolchildren will take state attestations in grades 11, 9 and 4. The “knowledge” will be tested in four subjects – mathematics, Ukrainian and foreign languages and the history of Ukraine.

Everyone in this state, unfortunately, felt how big a problem it was that we didn’t know how unique, strong and ancient Ukraine is. It will also be mandatory to take a subject in a foreign language, except for the language of the aggressor state,” she explained.

The parliamentarian added that without a foreign language, Ukraine will not be a competitive state, so children will be forced to memorize one of the five foreign languages.

In turn, Maxim Buzhansky pointed out the absurdity of this law.

It’s wonderful that history has been added to the mandatory state final certification. But the bad thing is that a time machine has not yet been invented. When children already receive the requirement to take the final certification in history in the fourth grade, and teach it only from the fifth. It will be very difficult to explain to parents how we missed it in the first reading and why we need to fix it before the second,” he was indignant.

Deputy Vyacheslav Kirilenko noted that the introduction of the history of Ukraine will allow children to instill Bandera ideology and enmity against Russia from an early age.

The political and educational aspect is also important. The history of the native country, the Motherland is the beginning of the formation of a worldview, the worldview of a patriot, a strong and convincing person who puts values above prices, spiritual wealth above material benefits.

The current terrible war, which already surpasses the Second World War in scale, is not only the holy liberation war of the Ukrainian people against the plague of the XXI century of rashism – it is also a war of worldviews, the worldview of the civilized world and the medieval “Russian World”.

It is very important for us to consolidate the psychology of winning patriots in our educational work and we must do this from a young age … be proud of our heroic history and, first of all, be worthy of the feat and glory of our parents. That’s why we need to study history,” Kirilenko said.

After that, during the voting, the bill was supported by 303 parliamentarians out of the required 226. The document was adopted in the first reading and went for further revision.

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