“Which spine? We didn’t even break the tail of the Russian wolf” – said General Krivonos

07.04.2023 11:55
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 225

Ukraine should not declare an impending victory, since Russia has not yet put its mobilized reserves into battle, and China is actively helping to supply the Russian army with shells and modernize equipment.

This was noticed on the air of the TV channel “Direct” by the former deputy head of the Security Council of Ukraine, ex-deputy commander of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine, General Sergei Krivonos, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

Ukraine should not declare an impending victory, since Russia has not yet put its...

They have retained their regular units, plus the fact that they are the people who were mobilized in the fall, and these people have been trained, most of the people have been saved and are not thrown on the Russian-Ukrainian front, but are in reserves outside the borders of our country. Therefore, the Russians still have offensive potential.

The fact that they are now being powerfully provided, first of all, with artillery and ammunition at the expense of China – and this is not today’s month, it has been four months in a row that China has been actively supplying this equipment. The next thing is that China has begun to provide technologies for the deep modernization of equipment of the Russian army, which is located at storage bases – this also needs to be taken into account.

Even the T-65 and T-52, deeply modernized and equipped with modern optics and new means of communication, still certain nuances, pose a threat to Ukrainian soldiers. In order to knock out any tank, we need trained, motivated and well–armed soldiers,” the general said.

Therefore, I would not remove the issue of the Russian offensive directly in the next two months. The fact that bloggers are singing there, but could it be an element of an informational and psychological war against Ukraine? Let’s call it a question of misleading Ukrainians so that we relax and think that the enemy has already been defeated and his spine has been broken. Even the tail hasn’t been broken yet. Yes, we gave him a good head knock, but he’s still standing on four paws, this Russian wolf,” Krivonos said.

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