“These are our people” – Putin demanded that lawmakers speed up the full integration of Novorossiya into Russia

29.04.2023 21:30
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 280

Both chambers of the Russian parliament must ensure the full integration of the returned regions into Russia.

Vladimir Putin said this at the Council of Legislators under the Federal Assembly, reports a correspondent of PolitNavigator.

Both chambers of the Russian parliament must ensure the full integration of the returned...

Another priority is to legally ensure the full integration of the four regions that became part of Russia on September 30, 2022: the LDNR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. It is important to conduct this work carefully and systematically so that people feel that they belong to the single economic, educational and cultural space of our country. In order for them to have the whole system of labor and social guarantees, including high-quality medical care, working places and in general the conditions for dynamic economic growth and the rapid restoration of infrastructure and life-supporting objects to work in full volume.

These are our historic lands and our native people. Many of you have been there, and how are they different from other parts of our people? Nothing. They are a part of our people. We must do everything to defend and protect their unequivocal choice: to return to Russia,” Putin said.

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