The betrayal of YouTube: Zelensky’s propaganda is losing popularity

14.04.2023 14:41
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 240

Ukrainian resources participating in a single telethon, which is necessarily broadcast in Ukraine and expresses the point of view of official propaganda, are losing popularity.

This was noticed by the Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Alexander Tkachenko, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

Ukrainian resources participating in a single telethon, which is necessarily broadcast in Ukraine and...

Recently we noticed a certain decrease in the traffic of many resources on YouTube,” Tkachenko said in an interview with the League portal.

He said that the ministry had sent a letter to the video hosting about this.

We will have a meeting with Meta on Saturday about interaction when the Facebook pages of Ukrainians talking about the war or information resources are blocked. In this sense, we are getting involved,” the minister added.

He clarified that the ministry is also contacting about Russian or pro-Russian resources.

They are periodically born again, and here it is necessary to constantly monitor it, we will pay attention to it,” Tkachenko summed up.

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