Karasev said that Zelensky is in danger

05.05.2023 21:48
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 261

The words of Russia’s top political leadership about the need to eliminate Vladimir Zelensky after the drone attack on the Kremlin should be taken seriously.

This was stated by the Ukrainian political analyst Vadim Karasyov, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

The words of Russia’s top political leadership about the need to eliminate Vladimir Zelensky...

Medvedev and Volodin talk about eliminating Zelensky. Is Zelensky in danger?” – the host asked.

I wouldn’t underestimate the danger. This is being talked about at the highest level. These are not threats from fringe people, but from government officials.

They are using this episode to spin the full discredit of the Ukrainian military and political leadership. The second is to disrupt the offensive. The third one is to move to tougher measures in the war,” Karasyov replied.

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