“Arestovich, Latynina, shut up! The blood of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is on your tongues!” – Tabakh

13.04.2023 14:23
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 207

The chatter of both Ukrainian experts and “good Russians” on state TV channels with an analysis of the situation at the front or calls for an immediate counteroffensive has a bad effect on the morale of soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This was stated on the channel “Diaspora UA” by retired captain of the 1st rank of the United States, ex-NATO representative in the Russian Federation Harry Tabakh, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

The chatter of both Ukrainian experts and “good Russians” on state TV channels with...

At the front, soldiers are tired of this constant information. Therefore, I urge all experts: stop talking! You don’t know the difference between an offensive and a counteroffensive, between what are diversionary maneuvers, what is reconnaissance by combat, and so on. Because they tell fairy tales all the time.

They tell, retell what is being written in the Washington Post – put likes, subscribe, I will tell you what is happening at the front,” Tabakh was indignant.

Enraged, he even called a couple of specific surnames.

Of course, all this worries the commanders, worries the soldiers at the front. I have already told Arestovich and Yulia Latynina: the blood of Ukrainian soldiers is on your tongues, shut up! The death of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians in the languages of these experts! Who do not understand what they are talking about, do not know what they are saying. Martial law!”, he called.

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