Kiev businessman says country may be lost

15.05.2023 18:49
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 177

There is a growing resentment against the authorities inside the Ukrainian society, the situation can get out of control and turn into a military conflict.

Sergei Dorotich, head of the public movement “Save the Future,” said this in a live broadcast, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator.

There is a growing resentment against the authorities inside the Ukrainian society, the situation...

In his opinion, the military, as well as ordinary citizens, do not see the point in the government, which is not able to provide the basic needs of the population.

Now it is important to save jobs. Otherwise, what is the value of the state and the government if they cannot provide basic needs? What kind of patriotism will there be against the background of not meeting these basic needs?” the businessman is perplexed.

I am very much afraid of serious military conflicts inside the country, because then, when the family of a serviceman suffers from lawlessness, there will be a riot. We could lose the country, because it’s in the hands of the aggressor,” said Dorotich.

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