“Landing troops on left bank”: AFU general admits destruction of Kakhovka dam beneficial for Ukraine

13.06.2023 22:23
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 224

The destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP dam is beneficial to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which get the opportunity to land troops on the left bank of the Dnieper.

PolitNavigator correspondent said this on the air of the Pryamaya TV channel, ex-deputy commander of the AFU SDF, former deputy secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine General Sergey Kryvonos reported.

The destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP dam is beneficial to the Ukrainian Armed Forces,...

The fact that water washed away the first line of defence is wonderful, but we must understand that the enemy built not one or two lines of defence. The second thing to take into account is that just from Kakhovka to the Crimea itself there are a huge number of canals that run not only along the movement to the Crimea, but also perpendicularly,” Kryvonos said.

According to him, the Russian Armed Forces can use these canals directly as artificial engineering structures.

But what does 5 to 15 kilometres give us? The fact that we can land our units and already establish a foothold on the left bank if we implement the landing operation correctly. It will be hard, given the muddy marshes, but in the meantime it gives us an absolutely normal opportunity to take a bridgehead on the left bank,” the general considers.

He added that “in this flooding there is also a positive for our operations”.

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