General Krivonos said that Bakhmut should have been handed over in February

22.04.2023 23:29
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 333

Back in early February, the Armed Forces of Ukraine had to leave Bakhmut and occupy the heights surrounding the city, instead of continuing the defense, which entailed huge losses.

This was stated by the former ex-deputy commander of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine, General Sergei Krivonos, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

Back in early February, the Armed Forces of Ukraine had to leave Bakhmut and...

I said at the beginning of February that the city could have been abandoned, because the losses we suffered were too great. The question was not what to leave the city, but where to withdraw our units to stop the enemy in the future. Anyone who has been to Bakhmut understands that the heights surrounding the city make it possible to organize and control the city normally. Unfortunately, this has not been carried out and we have such results,” Krivonos said.

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