The Ukrainian generals confessed their impotence against Russian bombs

25.04.2023 19:19
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 236

Russia uses the planning bombs and it shows a consequence of the total superiority of Russian aviation over Ukrainian.

This was stated by the commander of the united group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sergey Naev, answering a question about changing the tactics of the Russian troops, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

Russia uses the planning bombs and it shows a consequence of the total superiority...

Speaking according to the canons of military science, changes in tactics are caused by the development of technology, as well as the appearance on the battlefield of the latest and promising models of weapons and military equipment.

Under the conditions of international sanctions, Russia is significantly limited in the production of new weapons, requires additional time and resources to establish import substitution of a scarce element base,” Naev said in an interview with Ukrinform.

The number of enemy applications of guided aerial bombs has increased. This is a vivid example of how the enemy uses the advantage in aviation, since it uses these bombs without entering the zone of our air defense.

In addition, the actions of bomber aviation are covered by Su-30 and Su-35 type fighters, whose onboard armament allows us to detect and destroy our interceptor aircraft even before approaching the air-to-air missile launch distance,” the general added.

He hopes that deliveries from partner countries of modern aircraft will change the situation.

Naev said that over the past six months, the Russian Armed Forces have resumed the use of S-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles against ground targets.

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