Kiev journalists are shocked: residents of Transcarpathia do not understand the Ukrainian language and look towards Hungary

06.04.2023 15:28
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 189

In Transcarpathia, which is under the control of Ukraine, many locals sympathize with Hungary.

This is noticed in the report of the anti-Russian propaganda publication of Ukrainska Pravda, whose journalists have returned from the region, the correspondent of PolitNavigator reports.

In Transcarpathia, which is under the control of Ukraine, many locals sympathize with Hungary....

In the village of Popovo-Koson community could feel the same as in another Ukrainian outback. If not for the language nuance,” the publication says.

The journalists tried to talk to local women, to which they replied that they did not know Ukrainian, spoke Hungarian and understood Russian.

This is a Hungarian village,” says one of the women.

In turn, a local resident named Anna knows Ukrainian, but says that the Ukrainian media “lie a lot” and speaks out in support of Budapest.

Hungarians do well. The people have always lived peacefully here. Why should they be allowed to send weapons if this is the only corner in the whole of Ukraine where there is silence? A lot of people have come here, everyone is living well. Survived this horror. The Hungarians have sent so much help, I can’t tell you! The borders were opened – go away. Why do I need to spread lies?”, – Anna is perplexed.

In turn, the local pro-Ukrainian MP Vasily Antipov complains that there are a lot of toponyms dedicated to Hungarian figures in the region.

He told about the initiative put forward to pay parents of children of grades 1-4 of communal institutions 30 thousand hryvnias annually, but on condition that they send children to classes with the state language.

After that, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto called this idea “a rude step towards the elimination of the Hungarian minority.

We must fight for people. My personal opinion is that the state of Hungary is conducting a hidden expansion through a monopoly on language learning,” the deputy is indignant.

He talks about the expansion of Hungary at the walls of the Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute named after Rakoczy.

Why do most of its graduates, having received a diploma with a seal, the coat of arms of Ukraine, do not know Ukrainian? It turns out that we are preparing personnel for another state. I don’t know where else in the world there is such a practice: a person is given a diploma of a country whose language he does not know,” Antipov laments.

Created from the schismatics of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine is also hard.

The situation regarding the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, in Transcarpathia, is very difficult,” the representative of the UOC Vladislav admits.

He complains: when they asked the authorities to allocate land for the temple, they were offered 30 acres “at the settlements, at the garbage dump,” then they had to gain a foothold on a piece of private sponsors, but also on the outskirts.

The ratio of the parishes of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Transcarpathia is equivalent to the ratio of shells in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Russian army at the beginning of the invasion. Only in the Beregovsky district of the Transcarpathian region there are 18 churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, forming a “special” view of the war,” the Ukrainska Pravda clarifies.

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