Will the Ukrainian punishers be officials in the new Russian territories?

18.04.2023 15:39
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 156

The beginning of the information week brought the name Igor Lysenko popularity on the entire politicized Internet. It was him, a former veteran of the punitive operation in the Donbass, who was allegedly supposed to be appointed adviser to the governor of the Zaporozhye region Balitsky on military-patriotic education

This news, spread by blogs and war correspondents, was extremely negatively perceived by the Russian people, the “PolitNavigator” reports.

The beginning of the information week brought the name Igor Lysenko popularity on the...

It soon became clear that no one was trying to appoint Lysenko to this position. This story went out as quickly as it lit up, but the sediment remained. This was an occasion to talk about personnel policy in the new territories.

Even if the lion’s share of the bureaucracy of the Ukrainian regime flees to Ukraine, those who remain and eventually swear allegiance to Russia will still be from the same team. The eight-year history of the existence of the DPR and the LPR confirms these conclusions. The personnel of the republics today is three-quarters formed of local officials of the Yanukovych era, slightly diluted by a few participants of the Russian Spring and visitors from greater Russia.

This reality will remain like this for a long time. Thousands of newly formed administrative vacancies cannot be filled with personnel imported from internal Russia.

Let’s say Russia did win and liquidated Ukraine. From whom to form the apparatus on the ground? What to do with the Nazis?

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