Ukrainian general admits AFU offensive ” created pessimism”

13.06.2023 22:30
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 239

While the Ukrainian authorities were boasting about the coming offensive, Russian troops were creating a serious line of fortifications

PolitNavigator correspondent said this on the air of the Pryamoy channel, ex-deputy commander of the AFU SDF, former deputy secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, General Sergei Krivonos, in a statement.

While the Ukrainian authorities were boasting about the coming offensive, Russian troops were creating...

He believes that the Ukrainian authorities should not have publicised the offensive, but should have “quietly minded their own business”.

The Russians, while we were telling them that we were about to attack, were digging fortifications day and night like moles. And they created quite a powerful system of barriers in the possible directions of the AFU offensive. That is why, when in the first days this offensive did not develop as we would like it to… in a day – and we have already broken through to 50 km, and have already captured Melitopol… It’s not that simple,” Kryvonos admitted.

According to him, Ukrainians “have been fed with songs that we can do everything,” which has created “disappointment” and “pessimism” in certain segments of the population and the international community.

At the same time, he believes that “the situation is under control and could be resolved in our favour,” noting that several settlements have come under the control of the AFU.

Any engineering structures can be bypassed. And you don’t have to hit them head-on, but bypass them from the flanks. Plus understand that the enemy is quick enough to navigate,” Kryvonos added.

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