Ukraine tried to strike the Kremlin at night, the press service of the Russian president has reported

03.05.2023 22:41
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 275

Two unmanned aerial vehicles were aimed at the Kremlin.

As a result of timely actions taken by military and special services, using radar control systems, the drones were taken out of action. The president was not injured in the attack,” the Kremlin reported.


They also regard the UAV attack as a planned terrorist act and an attempt on the Russian president. The press service reports that the attack on the Kremlin was attempted from two drones. There were no property damage or casualties as a result of the attack.

Two unmanned aerial vehicles were aimed at the Kremlin. As a result of timely...

The agency also clarified that the Russian side reserves the right to retaliate when and where it sees fit.

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