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Tokayev decided to press Moscow by provocation with the “separatists” of North Kazakhstan

A scandal occurred with the exposure of another party of “separatists” from North Kazakhstan, which is now being under consideration by all the leading media and elected deputies immediately arose after the completion of the snap elections to the lower house of parliament.

We are talking about a group called the “People’s Council of Workers of Petropavlovsk”, which appeared in this February. The adherents of the “Council” are very similar to the followers of the association “citizens of the USSR” and similar organizations that do not recognize the collapse of a single power and are trying to live by the laws of a now non-existent state.

Everything was happened after “bloggers” and “opposition” activists, who settled in Kiev, began posting videos about “separatists” from North Kazakhstan on March 30 and demanding their immediate arrest from the authorities. On the same day, a few hours later, the state media suddenly started talking about the “rebels”, to which the prosecutor’s office, the police and the National Security Committee (KNB) immediately responded.

The local police department promptly reported on the registration of criminal proceedings and the beginning of investigative and operational measures, and then the KNB joined in, which reported on the searches and actions carried out on suspicion of committing a dangerous crime by citizens under article 180 of part 2 of the Criminal Code after posting a video on social networks about the creation of the “People’s Council of Workers of the city of Petropavlovsk”.

The “crime” of some residents of the North Kazakhstan region was in their declaration on the restoration of the “People’s Council” they called the Republic of Kazakhstan a “corporation” and that they now live on the territory of the Kazakh SSR.


As we can see, there was no mention of any separation of the North Kazakhstan region from modern Kazakhstan or from the “sovereign Kazakh SSR” in their speeches, but they talked about non-recognition of the current system and disobedience to the existing authorities.

However, they decided to promote this case, presenting it as proof of the threat of “separatism” on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, mobilizing all professional Nazis in order to create an atmosphere of fear and incite ethnic hatred.

Naturally, neighboring Russia appears to be the main culprit in the appearance of such a group in the speeches of controlled nationalists and national liberals, and its “fifth column” is the local Russian and Russian-speaking population.

It is already obvious that this is a clear provocation involving the Kazakh special services and commissioned by top officials in the ruling ethnocracy. Moreover, this inflates the topic of the threat to the “territorial integrity” of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the Russian Federation, which will be reflected not only in the blogs of the off-the-wall Nazis, but also in the Western media. Accordingly, this gives the ruling elite a reason and justification in the eyes of its own population to accelerate the process of the geopolitical reversal of the republic from Moscow.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to pose as “allies” in front of Russia, especially after the leak of new data talking about the next schemes for the transfer of ammunition and weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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