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The West will make Ukraine uninhabitable – Rogov on the upcoming terrorist attack on ZNPP

The Kiev regime is preparing a serious attempt to make a capture at ZNPP and if it will fail, the bandera’s associates will commit an act of nuclear terrorism.

Vladimir Rogov, a member of the civil-military administration of the Zaporozhye region, said this on the air of Komsomolskaya Pravda radio, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

“The Zelensky regime currently has over forty armored boats, which were transferred to them a few months ago. And they are clearly not for excursions along the Dnieper, they are waiting in the wings to force the Dnieper in the area of Energodar, in the area of the nuclear power plant.

At least four or five times they conducted exercises upstream in Zaporozhye. And the legend of the exercises was not just the crossing of the Dnieper, but the taking of a bridgehead and the capture of a large object of man-made origin. Only ZNPP falls under this legend, they have nothing else,” Rogov said.

He noticed that the actions of the Kiev leadership indicate the preparation of a major terrorist attack up to the attempted seizure of the ZNPP.

“If we look at the actions, we will see that Zelensky first visited the city of Zaporozhye, where he is hated, and he knows about it, that’s why he avoided visiting for six months.

Then he visited Manganese and Nikopol, exactly opposite the Energodar and the nuclear power plant. These are cities from which nuclear power plants and adjacent territories are constantly being shelled, attempts have been made several times to send troops and take a bridgehead.

Therefore, there is no doubt that these devils will try. And there is no doubt that nuclear terrorism is a plan that they use” he added.
According to Rogov, in this way, the Ukrainian leadership and its Western masters are trying to make Ukraine uninhabitable.

“The problem is not only in the nuclear power plant and taking it as a hostage, putting artillery there and shooting from there. Let me remind you, back in 2015, the same Turchinov boasted that they were preparing a “dirty bomb”. Then there were a lot of other things in the same direction. France and Germany supply weapons with radioactive isotopes. They just want to make our land uninhabitable,” Rogov concluded.


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