The “vicar” of the captured Lavra, appointed by the schismatics, turned out to be a homosexual

03.04.2023 18:00
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 534

The new “vicar” of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Archimandrite Avraamiy, who went over to the schismatics, turned out to be a representative of the “blue wing”.

This was stated in an interview with journalist Alexander Shelest by ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada and former participant of the punitive operation against the LDPR as part of the Azov battalion Igor Mosiychuk, the correspondent of PolitNavigator reports.

The new “vicar” of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Archimandrite Avraamiy, who went over to the...

According to Mosiychuk, Avraamiy’s love for men may affect the career of the now former priest of the canonical UOC.

As they say, he belongs to the so-called “blue” wing, which exists in church circles, moreover in all. This is an indicator and I will explain why. First, for believers, this is an unambiguous question.

Secondly, it can be a way of recruiting. Because the disclosure of such a compromatic video is not that of an abbot or a hierarch, it is so – at best a monk somewhere in the lower caves,” Mosiychuk said.

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