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«Neither side can act on the offensive» – Sladkov told what is missing to break through the front

A huge amount of ammunition is needed for a successful offensive, neither army can afford to go into a breakthrough yet.

This was noticed on the air of blog by Russian war correspondent Alexander Sladkov, the correspondent of «PolitNavigator» reports.

We can’t advance, because there are no forces yet, and they can’t advance, because they haven’t got any forces.

Time is working for us. We are accumulating strength, and they are losing their strength. Ukraine has nowhere to take soldiers. Have you seen what kind of mobilization they have there?”– said Sladkov.

According to him, for a successful offensive there must be a significant advantage in forces.

In general, when we concentrate forces equal to a brigade on our side and a battalion on their side in the right directions, then we can attack. There is plenty of ammunition.

They should concentrate a brigade against each of our battalions. Then they can count on the prospect of some kind of offensive. There is no such thing yet,” the war correspondent added.


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