Kiev City Council confiscated the building of the Russian Embassy

21.04.2023 12:36
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 171

The Kiev City Council has decided to terminate the land lease agreement with the Russian Embassy.

The corresponding decision was made during the plenary session of the city council, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

The Kiev City Council has decided to terminate the land lease agreement with the...

We are talking about a building and an adjacent area of 0.39 hectares at the address Prospekt. Vozdukhoflotsky, 27.

Deputy Yevgeny Kuzmenko noted that in this way the Kiev leadership is trying to “force Russia to capitulate.”

After February 24, there should be nothing left of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Until these orcs sign the surrender, there will be nothing Russian here,” Kuzmenko said.

The document was adopted by unanimous decision during the voting.

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