Conflict in Ukraine will stop because of limited Western support for Kiev – Bortnik

25.05.2023 21:06
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 234

The conflict in Ukraine may stop on its own due to the lack of financial support from the West, which will try to shift the burden of responsibility for Ukraine to each other.

This was stated by political scientist Ruslan Bortnik on the air of the Internet channel “Wild Live”, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator reports “.

The conflict in Ukraine may stop on its own due to the lack of...

According to Bortnik, the US will cut funding, referring to internal political processes, and Europe – to the heating season and protests.

We will not be forced, but we will feel more and more problems with financial and military support. Biden will say, ‘Look, look, these Republicans have blocked the House of Representatives, we can’t move anything forward. Let’s do another reassessment, re-evaluate our aid and find the three billion that were counted wrong. But you know it’s hard for us to do that, ask for more from Europe”.

Europe will say: ‘Look, it is the heating season, anti-elitist movements, leftists, rightists, radicals’,” the expert said. “That is to say, it will become harder and harder for us. Ukrainian society will say: ‘Indeed, the war will be very long and a quick end is impossible’. That is, everything will start to slow down, freeze on its own. The war may not be stopped, it may not be frozen, it may just objectively fade due to the exhaustion of forces of the parties,” Bortnyk said.

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