An American drone that crashed into the Black Sea could be preparing strikes on a gas pipeline to Turkey

10.04.2023 14:34
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 232

The American MQ-9 Reaper drone, which crashed into the Black Sea after the impact of the Russian Su-27 fighter, could work out strikes on the gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey.

This was noticed on the air of the Internet channel PolitWera by the reserve officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military expert Oleg Shalandin, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

The American MQ-9 Reaper drone, which crashed into the Black Sea after the impact...

According to Shalandin, a drone of this type could scout the location of the pipeline for a further strike.

Why did this device fly near the coast of Crimea? It’s unclear. This is a very specific device in general. Such aircraft are unmanned, they work in the absence of air defense. It’s possible to soak a Taliban wedding, something else, this is not a device for the battlefield. This is a point impact, to launch a rocket, drop a bomb, something else, but not in combat conditions.

The composition of the equipment that was on board allows me to say that he had to perform some kind of shock task. It must first be explored independently, to find what he has to destroy, and then to fulfill his main task, that is, the destruction of something,” the expert said.

What it could be, I’m not ready to say yet. I have an assumption that there is just an area where the pipeline to Turkey was laid quite shallowly. He walked around, looked, they took off what they needed,” Shaladin said.

He did not rule out that the task was to repeat the explosion on the “Northern Streams”.

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